Kids Zone - May

The month of May looks a little different for Kids Zone this year. We started with a special time with one another at Together. The teaching focussed on the story of Jesus feeding over 5000 people with just a little boys lunch! The teaching video is a lot of fun! Our children were reminded they can already play a part in what God is doing.

The 12th of May is Mother’s Day, where the focus is on the impact mothers and other special women play in helping us become total followers of Jesus Christ.

For the last two weeks of May, we finish our series learning important Bible reading skills.

Mel LienertAll
Parents - join me to pray for our kids!

We are fast heading into the day of Pentecost, and we’re excited to be joining nearly a hundred churches across New Zealand in the Pentecost Prayer Initiative. You are invited to gather with other parents from The Street Church in the Life Centre prayer room to pray for our kids.

Wednesday, May 15th, 8pm - 9pm
21 Hania Street, Mt Vic

No need to sign up, if we fill the room we will spread out around the building as needed!

Mel LienertAll
Free Counselling Appointments

During 2024, we have the generous opportunity to connect with Laurence Benson and Sheree Fletcher as trainee counsellors. 

Laurence and Sheree are both in their third year of study and can offer free counselling sessions to those who fit certain criteria. As trainee counsellors, there are parameters around what topics they are able to counsel. Please note that because Sheree attends The Street’s Hutt Location she is unable to see people who also attend this service.

Please register your interest below, and Mel Lienert will take a look over your form and help book you in for a counselling slot as availability allows.

Andrea MullerAll
Job Vacancies

We're excited to announce three staff vacancies at The Street Church:

Youth Associate Pastor

Work alongside our Youth Pastor, Matt Swank, to provide leadership and administrative support to our Youth Ministry. This role offers an incredible opportunity to be coached in Youth Ministry and play a key part in helping our young people become total followers of Jesus Christ.

Night Location Pastor

We're seeking a leader for the Night Location Pastor role. This position provides leadership for our Night community and offers a fantastic opportunity to develop your leadership and pastoral skills under the guidance of Senior Pastors, Simon and Jenny Gill.

Mt Vic Location Pastor

We're seeking expressions of interest for the Mt Vic Location Pastor role. If you're sensing a call from God to be involved in the leadership of the Mt Vic location, we'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch, and we'll connect you with Simon and Jenny Gill to explore this calling further.

To find out more, contact to request a job description or to request a meeting to discuss these roles further.

Applications Close on the 20th of May.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Sam LienertAll
Great books for sale!

There are many great books available to help you on your journey of becoming a total follower of Jesus Christ. We have a small number held in the office that we recommend, which you are welcome to purchase.

If you are interested in any of the below, please be in touch via for payment and delivery

100 Years On The Street: $20
A story of God’s grace through the history of The Street Church from 1918 through to 2018.
by Harvey Rees-Thomas

Sacrifice and Glory: $10
Daily meditations in the book of Hebrews
by Harvey Rees-Thomas

The Last Adam: $30
A year of daily meditations in the life of Jesus Christ
by Harvey Rees-Thomas

Organic Outreach for Ordinary People: $20
Sharing good news naturally. A collection of simple and biblical practices that Christians everywhere can incorporate into their lives.
by Kevin Harney

Organic Disciples: $20
To help followers of Jesus identify seven biblical markers of spiritual maturity, showing them how we can learn from Jesus's example, grow in our own spiritual journey, and follow Jesus into the world to share his love and good news.
by Kevin and Sherry Harney

Mel LienertAll
He Tatau Pounamu: Treaty of Waitangi as a Covenant of Reconciliation

We are at a decisive moment as a nation, a time when the agreement by which tangata whenua and tangata tiriti live together is being called into question. As a church community, we can grow in our understanding and engagement in this conversation along with our brothers and sisters among churches within Wellington.

If you are interested in learning more about The Treaty of Waitangi and the role of the church in understanding how the Treaty is he tatau pounamu—a covenant pathway of reconciliation - Karuwhā and Venn Foundation are hosting a series of public lectures with Dr. Alistair Reese, a well-respected theologian and historian. In Wellington this is taking place on the 14th of May, and you can register via the website.

Thinking of joining a Life Group?

Life Groups are such an important aspect of discipleship because our growth happens in intentional relationships and over time. If you are not already part of a Life Group, we would love to help you connect with a group from the Mt Vic Location. Click the button below and someone will be in touch.

Mel LienertMtvic
Introducing Laurence - Trainee Counsellor

I’m Laurence, and look forward to partnering with several churches and organisations as a student counsellor in 2024. I am privileged to be studying for my Bachelor of Counselling at Bethlehem Tertiary Institute and I am in my third and final year of my degree course. I am offering 100 hours of free confidential counselling during 2024 and will be providing the service at Brandon Street Practice in Wellington’s CBD.

The last few years have certainly been more than a challenge for us within our churches and communities. There has rarely been such financial and mental pressure on all of us and a sense of division within our society here in Aotearoa and worldwide. There used to be a time when seeking some sort of therapy carried some stigma; however, it is now so commonplace that especially our youth and young adults are (generally) very comfortable with discussing this openly. Although Romans 12 tells us to renew our minds, there are times when we need help to stop conforming to the patterns of this world. My degree course is Biblically based, and I look forward to meeting those who want that extra support.

Andrea MullerAll
Introducing Sheree - Trainee Counsellor

Kia ora,

My name is Sheree Fletcher and I am a trainee counsellor in my third and final year of study with Bethlehem Tertiary Institute. This year I will be on placement with Grant Conway of Te Waipuna Counselling and have connected with The Street Church to offer free counselling at their premises in Hania Street from May onwards (within certain criteria). I offer an empathetic, non-judgemental and collaborative space to explore your experiences. 

Prior to studying counselling, I worked in administrative roles in a variety of workplaces. I am a mother of three daughters and have travelled and lived overseas. When I am not studying or counselling, I like to take our dog on walks by the river, catch up with friends and sew. I look forward to connecting with you.

24/7 prayer - Pentecost prayer initiative

We serve an almighty and all-powerful God and the tool he has given us to engage with him, is prayer. We want to be a church with a deep culture of prayer, seeing God do extraordinary things in and through us

In Acts, the disciples gathered together constantly in prayer for 10 days after the ascension of Jesus, culminating in Pentecost—the birth of the church. Their cry was a simple one “Come Holy Spirit.” We are going to be joining with the wider church of Aotearoa to do the same in the lead-up to Pentecost this year.

WHEN: 9th to 19th May. For more info check out the video here.

New Christian College in Wellington

For a number of years, many people from different church traditions and movements have been planning for a new Christian College in Wellington.

If you are interested in Christian Education in Wellington, especially in the establishment of a Christian College, the Board of Trustees invites you to hear an update and pray with them.

Mel LienertAll
Accommodation needed - can you help?

Angela Drake, one of our East members is looking for somewhere for herself and her golden retriever, Gus to live from May/June to September this year. Either a short term rental or a house sitting situation would be ideal. If you know of something that might be suitable could you please get in touch with Jenny by emailing her at, and she can connect you with Angela.

Jonathan Harkes
Seminar with Richard Black

How do we interact with and love our neighbour when we hold differing values? How do we raise children to be confident in who God has made them to be?

Join Richard Black for a seminar titled: 'Cultivating a discipleship mindset to raise the next generation in a diverse world'

If you come from a traditional Christian perspective, the changes in our society around gender diversity and sexuality can be confusing and confronting. This seminar will look at how Christians can be confident in their faith while maintaining an openness to others who hold different perspectives and values.

Date: Saturday 22nd June Time: 9am - 3:30pm
Venue: The Street Church, 9 Hania St, Mt Victoria
Tickets: $20 per person

All people are welcome so invite your friends, neighbours, colleagues and family members.

Mel LienertMtvic
Register NOW for Together...

Together will be a significant moment as all six of our Locations gather in one place on Sunday 5th May at Wellington College.
We are praying that this would be a moment of powerful encounter with the Lord as we worship Him together as one church.

The time to register is TODAY - to ensure we have a seat for everyone and to plan accordingly for Kids Zone.

Mel LienertMtvic, All
New Elder Commissioning - Sunday April 14th

Peter Martin was announced as a new elder for East at Together back in October last year. On Sunday April 14th, Matt Conway, our Chair of Elders, along with our Senior Pastors, Simon and Jenny, will be commissioning Peter in our Sunday Service. We are grateful to Peter for stepping into this role in our church.

Jonathan Harkes
Volunteers Needed

Are you keen to be a part of the team that makes Sundays happen? If so we’d love to hear from you! We’re especially in need of people in the following areas, but anyone is welcome to put their hand up! Full training provided, all you need is a willingness to be a part of the team :)

Connections - The friendly faces you meet at the door on Sundays, the Connections team is there to make people feel welcome by greeting people, and preparing morning tea and Communion.

Media - The Media team make sure we can sing along by putting up the words on the screen and running the videos.

Sound - The Sound team make the speakers and mics work, and make it sound great.

Together - 5th May

Together will be a significant morning as all six of our Locations gather in one place on Sunday 5th May. We are praying that this would be a moment of powerful encounter with the Lord as we worship Him together as one church.

Registration is important to ensure we have a seat for everyone - there is no cost. It’s especially important for Kids Zone, so if you have kids in Kids Zone please register ASAP.

Date and Time: 5th May, 10am - 12pm

Where: Wellington College (No Locations have services running)

After the service we will have a BBQ. Come prepared with a koha for a sausage. All proceeds will contribute to our Youth Ministry. Due to constraints with the venue, we will have biscuits for morning tea, but NO HOT DRINKS, so come pre caffeinated :)

You can register via the App or Website. Kids Zone registration closes 28th April

Jonathan Harkes
Families Seminar with Richard Black

 How do we interact with and love our neighbour when we hold differing values? How do we raise children to be confident in who God has made them to be? Traditional ways of communicating have often taken a defensive or argumentative approach. Jesus was never on the defensive. This seminar will look at how Christians can be confident in their faith while maintaining an openness to others who hold different perspectives and values.

The seminar is targeted at parents, but will be fruitful for anyone involved in raising or working with children or for adults wondering about these questions for themselves in their community or workplace.

Join Richard Black for a seminar titled: 'Cultivating a discipleship mindset to raise the next generation in a diverse world' If you come from a traditional Christian perspective, the changes in our society around gender diversity and sexuality can be confusing and confronting. This seminar will look at how Christians can be confident in their faith while maintaining an openness to others who hold different perspectives and values.

Date: Saturday 22nd June Time: 9am - 3:30pm (doors open at 8:30am)

Venue: The Street Church, 9 Hania St, Mt Victoria

Tickets: $20 per person

Register via the app or website

We have invited churches from around Wellington to join us for this event. Invite your friends, family and parents from your community. And above all, please be praying for Richard and every attendee as we wrestle with these important topics

NEW! Prayer Room

The Prayer Room in the Life Centre at 21 Hania Street has been revamped and relocated, and is open 24/7!

We know that prayer is THE most important thing we can be doing as a church community. Pete Grieg, the founder of 24/7 prayer said: ”I'm actually not into prayer. I’m into Jesus, so we talk. I don't believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the power of God. So I ask for his help. A lot.” We agree!

To use the prayer room, book online through the sign ups tab on the app or events section on the website. The space can hold groups of up to 25 people.

Jonathan Harkes