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Laidlaw - Open Night ONLINE

Are you wanting to deepen your faith or prepare for ministry? 

Or do you sense a call to inspire young people as a primary or secondary school teacher?  

Would you like to serve others through healing hearts, minds, and relationships as a counsellor? 

Maybe study is your next step!

Join us on May 27th to explore your study options at our Open Night Online. Whether you’re interested in theology, biblical studies, mission, ministry, teaching, or counselling, we’ll have staff available to talk with you and answer any questions you may have.

Laidlaw College has been training men and women to renew their communities in the light of the Gospel for over 100 years. We’d love to talk with you about how study could equip you to outwork God’s call on your life.

Kids Zone - May

The month of May looks a little different for Kids Zone this year. We started with a special time with one another at Together. The teaching focussed on the story of Jesus feeding over 5000 people with just a little boys lunch! The teaching video is a lot of fun! Our children were reminded they can already play a part in what God is doing.

The 12th of May is Mother’s Day, where the focus is on the impact mothers and other special women play in helping us become total followers of Jesus Christ.

For the last two weeks of May, we finish our series learning important Bible reading skills.

Mel LienertAll
Parents - join me to pray for our kids!

We are fast heading into the day of Pentecost, and we’re excited to be joining nearly a hundred churches across New Zealand in the Pentecost Prayer Initiative. You are invited to gather with other parents from The Street Church in the Life Centre prayer room to pray for our kids.

Wednesday, May 15th, 8pm - 9pm
21 Hania Street, Mt Vic

No need to sign up, if we fill the room we will spread out around the building as needed!

Mel LienertAll
Free Counselling Appointments

During 2024, we have the generous opportunity to connect with Laurence Benson and Sheree Fletcher as trainee counsellors. 

Laurence and Sheree are both in their third year of study and can offer free counselling sessions to those who fit certain criteria. As trainee counsellors, there are parameters around what topics they are able to counsel. Please note that because Sheree attends The Street’s Hutt Location she is unable to see people who also attend this service.

Please register your interest below, and Mel Lienert will take a look over your form and help book you in for a counselling slot as availability allows.

Job Vacancies

We're excited to announce three staff vacancies at The Street Church:

Youth Associate Pastor

Work alongside our Youth Pastor, Matt Swank, to provide leadership and administrative support to our Youth Ministry. This role offers an incredible opportunity to be coached in Youth Ministry and play a key part in helping our young people become total followers of Jesus Christ.

Night Location Pastor

We're seeking a leader for the Night Location Pastor role. This position provides leadership for our Night community and offers a fantastic opportunity to develop your leadership and pastoral skills under the guidance of Senior Pastors, Simon and Jenny Gill.

Mt Vic Location Pastor

We're seeking expressions of interest for the Mt Vic Location Pastor role. If you're sensing a call from God to be involved in the leadership of the Mt Vic location, we'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch, and we'll connect you with Simon and Jenny Gill to explore this calling further.

To find out more, contact to request a job description or to request a meeting to discuss these roles further.

Applications Close on the 20th of May.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Sam LienertAll
Great books for sale!

There are many great books available to help you on your journey of becoming a total follower of Jesus Christ. We have a small number held in the office that we recommend, which you are welcome to purchase.

If you are interested in any of the below, please be in touch via for payment and delivery

100 Years On The Street: $20
A story of God’s grace through the history of The Street Church from 1918 through to 2018.
by Harvey Rees-Thomas

Sacrifice and Glory: $10
Daily meditations in the book of Hebrews
by Harvey Rees-Thomas

The Last Adam: $30
A year of daily meditations in the life of Jesus Christ
by Harvey Rees-Thomas

Organic Outreach for Ordinary People: $20
Sharing good news naturally. A collection of simple and biblical practices that Christians everywhere can incorporate into their lives.
by Kevin Harney

Organic Disciples: $20
To help followers of Jesus identify seven biblical markers of spiritual maturity, showing them how we can learn from Jesus's example, grow in our own spiritual journey, and follow Jesus into the world to share his love and good news.
by Kevin and Sherry Harney

Mel LienertAll
Introducing Laurence - Trainee Counsellor

I’m Laurence, and look forward to partnering with several churches and organisations as a student counsellor in 2024. I am privileged to be studying for my Bachelor of Counselling at Bethlehem Tertiary Institute and I am in my third and final year of my degree course. I am offering 100 hours of free confidential counselling during 2024 and will be providing the service at Brandon Street Practice in Wellington’s CBD.

The last few years have certainly been more than a challenge for us within our churches and communities. There has rarely been such financial and mental pressure on all of us and a sense of division within our society here in Aotearoa and worldwide. There used to be a time when seeking some sort of therapy carried some stigma; however, it is now so commonplace that especially our youth and young adults are (generally) very comfortable with discussing this openly. Although Romans 12 tells us to renew our minds, there are times when we need help to stop conforming to the patterns of this world. My degree course is Biblically based, and I look forward to meeting those who want that extra support.

Andrea MullerAll
New Christian College in Wellington

For a number of years, many people from different church traditions and movements have been planning for a new Christian College in Wellington.

If you are interested in Christian Education in Wellington, especially in the establishment of a Christian College, the Board of Trustees invites you to hear an update and pray with them.

Mel LienertAll
Register NOW for Together...

Together will be a significant moment as all six of our Locations gather in one place on Sunday 5th May at Wellington College.
We are praying that this would be a moment of powerful encounter with the Lord as we worship Him together as one church.

The time to register is TODAY - to ensure we have a seat for everyone and to plan accordingly for Kids Zone.

Mel LienertMtvic, All
Kids Zone - April

For the first two weeks of April we continue learning the skills we need to study the Bible well. On the 7th Geneva will look at answering the question ‘who are these commands prescriptive for?’ and on the 14th, Mel will help us find the truths revealed in a passage.

Then we take a two week break for the school holidays and kick back off in May with our TOGETHER service at Wellington College.

Mel LienertAll
Kids Zone - March

3 March: This morning in Kids Zone, we are learning the difference between descriptive passages and prescriptive passages as we continue in our series learning important skills to help us read and understand the Bible.

10th March: This week in Kids Zone, we are learning what to do with descriptive passages of the Bible and how not every passage contains a lesson to be learned. We are using this as an opportunity to ask ourselves, “What does this passage reveal about God?”, so we can deepen our understanding and love for Him, and humble ourselves as we read His Word.

17th March: Today at Kids Zone we dive into a two week series on Easter. In this lesson we learn the incredibly special story and celebration of Easter is connected to other stories in the Bible. We take a quick look into some of the time periods of the Old Testament that we learnt about in 2023 and how these are connected with Jesus dying on the cross and being raised to life again.

24th March: In Kids Zone today, we continue to look at Easter. We zoom out a little and look at what prophecies and events are connected to what happened at Easter. We talk about events like Passover and the Last Supper, as well as looking at one of the Psalms Jesus and his disciples would have sung together.

Job Vacancies

We currently have the following job vacancies at The Street Church:

Location Pastor - Night (Part time)

Location Pastor - Mt Vic (Part time)

Life Groups Pastor - Central (Part time)

If you’re interested in finding out more about any of these positions or submitting an application, please email

Applications close 14th February 2024.

Andrea MullerAll, Mtvic
Inspired to Worship

This week I grew in my capacity for worship but it came from an unlikely source. It reminds me that reasons to worship and ways to grow in our love for the Lord are everywhere.

The article was about the Euclid telescope which is mapping our night sky and providing us with more vivid images of the cosmos than ever before. One image stands out in particular.

It looks like a seahorse emerging from a cloud. It looks like something that might be formed momentarily in the vapour of clouds as they move across the sky. Maybe even something dreamed up in a VFX studio. But this is no fiction or product of chance. It’s a giant cloud of dust 1700 lightyears away from which new stars are born. And it looks incredible.

David wrote, “the heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim to works of his hands” (Ps 19:1). When he looked at the sky with far less light pollution than us, the grandeur and the wonder were reflections of God. The beauty of the night sky led him to know something of the beauty of God.

If David’s star-gazing grew his capacity for worship, how much more potential is there for us who have bigger microscopes and telescopes? We can see things in our universe that he could not see. 

It reminds us of what everlasting life will look like. Each time we gaze at God, we’ll explore more of his infinite greatness and every new discovery will give more reason for praise and it will keep growing forever and ever.

The other truth this reminds us of is that our world is a reflection of the one who made it. God desires for us to look at the world and learn about him. The age of mountains (Ps 90:2), the roaring of the sea (Psalm 93:4), or a mum who comforts her child (Isaiah 66:13). All these things and so many more have the potential to grow our capacity for worship.

The question is whether we’re looking. We live our lives in such a hurry and our worship is poorer as a result. Worship not only glorifies God but edifies us in the process. What can you do today to take just a few moments to stop and stare and be led by this world to worship?

Much love,

This post is part of the Senior Pastor’s weekly blog. Go to the the blog feed >>

Andrea MullerSPblog, Newsarchive, All
Send Revival, Start With Me

I’ve been on quite a roller coaster in the past few weeks. While it wasn’t the time I would have chosen, it was the time I needed. And God used the time to rekindle a vision I’ve had for as long as I can remember but, if I’m honest, I’ve let go dormant. That I would see a move of God in my lifetime.

The wonderful thing about Together last week was the heartfelt prayer that emerged and the expectancy in the room. It was a line in the sand moment. A stake in the ground. We believe something has shifted in the heavenly realms. Rather than sit back and watch, now is the time for us to lean in. But how?

Enter the work of Professor Stuart Piggin who has researched antipodean moves of God. While there is no formula, there are some commonalities that it’s worth us paying attention to.

Unprecedented prayer for revival
In Mark 9, the disciples struggle to cast out a demon but for Jesus it just takes a word. In the conversation that ensues, Jesus makes it clear that this kind only comes out by prayer. There are things that God desires to do but will not do unless we pray. Will we pray for a move of God? It can be something we do in services or something we devote time to as Life Groups. At Hania Street there is a permanent space that you can book to gather in prayer 24/7. It could also be much simpler. Who’s around you that has the same desire to pray for a move of God and make a regular time that works for you.

Unusual unity among Christians
In our approach to being a multi-site church, we always seek relationship with other churches. We don’t see ourselves as the solution in an area but understand how God works through churches of different styles and traditions. It has also been noticeable since Covid just how many churches around the country are talking about the same things we are. Prayer, disciple-making, church planting. There’s increasing unity and partnership. But it’s also something that’s important closer to home. Often it’s hardest to love and forgive those closest to us because we see one another at our best and worst. Let’s pray that the Lord would help us remain soft-hearted, apologise quickly, and forgive freely.

Heightened faith and expectation for a move of God
Finally there’s expectation. We have come to believe in the living God, the risen Lord Jesus, the power of the gospel. The same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead is at work in and through us. We believe something has shifted and is shifting in our city so let’s pray and reach out with renewed expectation.

Why not begin to gather with others or use existing gatherings you’re in to focus prayer for a move of God. You could use these three things to guide you. Just imagine looking back in five years’ time and celebrating what God has done.

Me inoi tātou.
Let us pray,

This post is part of the Senior Pastor’s weekly blog. Go to the the blog feed >>

Pray for Peace

As we follow what’s going on in Israel and Gaza, it can easily leave us feeling helpless. What can we do except passively watch events unfold? But remember what we discovered last week. We can still pray and with that we can change the world.

Psalm 122 says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:’ May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels’” (Ps 122:6-7). Implicit in this verse is the idea that Jerusalem is a city of significance that will be a focal point for conflict. This has been seen over the years and as we look towards the end of human history, it is Jerusalem that is the center of God’s end times agenda. To pray about what’s going on in the Middle East is to join with a significant part of the plans and purposes of God.

On Sunday at Mt Vic, we followed Pete Greig’s simple framework for praying in crises. It involves prayer under three headings and it can be a helpful guide whether praying on your own or with others. We can pray for People, Politicians and Priests/Pastors.

Pray for the people caught up in the conflict. The side they are on is irrelevant. Each of them is a person made in God’s image. There are still over 200 hostages in Gaza with families worried for their safety. There are hundreds of thousands of people displaced from homes and we can pray for food, shelter, clothing and power. Power shortages in Gaza mean hospitals are only providing emergency care. We need to pray for the significant amount of aid that is needed to get through.

Israel has acknowledged they are planning for a ground invasion. This will have a devastating effect on an already horrific situation. We can pray for diplomatic processes in the region. For the intervention and involvement of other world leaders. We can pray for God to change the hearts and minds of those in positions of power such that an invasion might be averted.

Finally, we can pray for Christian leaders and also all Christians who are called to represent God as ‘priests’ in the world. We can pray that they would know God’s presence in their lives and that they might understand how to love their God and love their neighbour during this time.

Above all, while we pray for this area, we can do so knowing that ultimately God is in control. Jesus really will return one day to rule and reign. These events remind us that it could literally be any day. As Peter wrote, “The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you can pray” (1 Pet 4:7).

Me inoi tātou.
Let us pray,

This post is part of the Senior Pastor’s weekly blog. Go to the the blog feed >>

CAP Christmas Hampers 2023

The Street Church partners with Christians Against Poverty to help people in Wellington get out of unmanageable debt while at the same time sharing the life-changing message of Jesus with them! Each year, we as a church congregation donate vouchers and treats to make up Christmas hampers that get given to CAP clients around the Wellington region.

To participate, please collect a hamper box from your local service or the church office. Fill it with some goodies and special treats and return by 12th Nov. (You don't need to wrap anything this year.)

Boxes will be coded:

  • SM - single male, SF -single female, C - Couple, G - Generic 
    Please fill your box with a $50 Warehouse Voucher, $50 worth of treats and a handwritten card.

  • F for families (many families have a few children, so these will be double the value) 
    Please fill your box with a $100 Warehouse Voucher, $100 worth of treats and a handwritten card.

Points to note:

  • No alcohol, although other beverages are fine.

  • No money.

  • Nothing perishable.

Boxes available at Locations from 15th October.
Return dates for boxes from 12th November.
You can return your hamper to your local service or the church office.

If you prefer, you can make a donation towards a hamper, with the reference ‘‘CAPHAMP''

E Street Association

If you would like to get involved with the Christians Against Poverty ministry at The Street, please get in touch with Merrie, our Missions Pastor.

Andrea MullerNewsarchive, All
What will it take?

Yesterday, I was in a prayer meeting in Australia with lots of other church-planters, disciple-makers and Pete Greig from 24/7 Prayer. We cried out to God for the meeting that was happening between Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden. I came out so faith-filled that our prayers had shifted something in the Middle East that it made me want to check the news. I truly believe that prayer can change our world. That calling out to a supernatural God can result in real-world answers.

I am usually a very active person. However, I recently broke my ankle, so all I can really do is sit or kneel. Read, write and speak. Then, last night in my hurry out of an Uber, I left my glasses behind, so I can’t even read or write (I am writing this hurriedly at 3am in a hotel bathroom so as not to wake Jenny and before my eyes get too blurry). I just woke in the middle of the night, wondering what I would do until I can get my glasses back, and I felt the Spirit say this… ‘You can still pray.’

This is my journey with God. A painful journey to help me realise that when all I can do is kneel and pray, I can still change the world. When my usual activities and abilities are taken from me, one of the most powerful things I can do is still there. What will it take for you to realise that too?

Much love,

This post is part of the Senior Pastor’s weekly blog. Go to the the blog feed >>

Change of time for Together

PLEASE NOTE there has been a time change and our Together service now starts at 10:30AM Sunday 29th October at Wellington College: 15 Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria. If you’re in our church database you should have received an email about this.

We are one church pursuing one mission and vision, and on 29 Oct we’ll be gathering together in one place for one Sunday service. This is such a big day for us as we get to pray for new Elders, commission new Location Pastors and cast a vision for the future.

Come prepared with a koha for a sausage after the service. The Year 7-8's are cooking the BBQ and all proceeds will contribute to the Kids Zone 'Giving Project'. Due to constraints with the venue, we will have biscuits for morning tea, but NO HOT DRINKS. So come pre-caffeinated :) Lunch will be provided for children in Kids Zone.

This service is free to attend, but please register if you haven’t already:

Andrea MullerAll