Photo: Jono Ellkin



We’re a church that gathers weekly on Sundays in Wellington’s Western suburbs.

Join us for our worship service 10am Sunday at 66 Albemarle Road, Northland (Cardinal McKeefry School). We look forward to welcoming you!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how to join our whānau, please email west@thestreet.org.nz

Gabrielle & Jerram Watts

Gabrielle & Jerram Watts

Location Pastor
Jerram Watts

Jerram and Gabrielle have called The Street Church their home for over 10 years now and have led the City-based congregations since Jerram came on staff in 2021. Now Jerram and Gabrielle - with their two young daughters - are leading The Street West gathering, which in some ways is the culmination of something God put on their hearts five years ago when they first dreamed of a Street community in the western suburbs. "We could see a community of believers from the western suburbs being planted locally, worshiping locally, having their hearts break for their local area, reaching out to their neighbours and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. We hope The Street West will become a community of people who reflect Jesus Christ in every aspect of their lives, and a culturally diverse and intergenerational community where we are knit together by the one we worship - and live our lives on mission for him."


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