Job Vacancies

We're excited to announce three staff vacancies at The Street Church:

Youth Associate Pastor

Work alongside our Youth Pastor, Matt Swank, to provide leadership and administrative support to our Youth Ministry. This role offers an incredible opportunity to be coached in Youth Ministry and play a key part in helping our young people become total followers of Jesus Christ.

Night Location Pastor

We're seeking a leader for the Night Location Pastor role. This position provides leadership for our Night community and offers a fantastic opportunity to develop your leadership and pastoral skills under the guidance of Senior Pastors, Simon and Jenny Gill.

Mt Vic Location Pastor

We're seeking expressions of interest for the Mt Vic Location Pastor role. If you're sensing a call from God to be involved in the leadership of the Mt Vic location, we'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch, and we'll connect you with Simon and Jenny Gill to explore this calling further.

To find out more, contact to request a job description or to request a meeting to discuss these roles further.

Applications Close on the 20th of May.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Sam LienertAll